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Day 1: Radar Training (Monday)

The radar training event starts Sunday night at 10pm EST and continues through Monday. The team that can earn the most points will get 1 victory point out of 13 possible points for the week. Lets see how you can earn points.

Earning Points

Drone Upgrades

Upgrading drone is probably the best day to earn points on this day. It is however hard to gather the required data points and gears to be able to do the upgrades.

Pro tip: Saving gears and data points

Like most things for VS challenges you should only use items when it will earn you points in one of the events. This is especially true for drone upgrades save up your cogs and data points for Monday's and no other day.

Radar Tasks

One of the easiest way to earn points on day 1 is by completing a radar tasks. New task drops will be different times for each player but they do refresh every 6 hours.

Pro tip: Saving Radar Tasks

You can save and accumulate radar tasks for later. To maximize points for radar training day stop claiming your radar task at least 24 hours before the event starts (Saturday 10PM EST) and you will have a full set of radar tasks when day 1 starts. Just make sure that the tasks visible on your radar screen are completed (have the red dot on them) this will prevent them from disapearing and will start accumulating.


Any item that use stamina wll earn you points.

Pro tip: Starting with full stamina

The best thing to get an edge with stamina is to start the day with a full pool. Avoid spending it at the end of the day on Sunday so you can start with a full guage when the day rolls over. Even better use a free stamina claim at the end of Sunday to get upto 170 stamina points to start the day. (Free claims will allow you to go over the 120 limit)

Hero Experience Points

Leveling up your heroes will also earn you points for this day.

Pro tip: Save them for day 4

It's probably best to use them only if you need to and save them for Day 4: Train Heroes, since it will earn you more points on that day. Either way save up all your experience points and only use them on day 1 or day 4.

Gathering Ressources

Another easy way to earn points is by gathering resources from mining tiles. When any of your squads are idle you should be mining as much as you can.

Pro tip: Use high level tiles

If you need to go away for a while look for level 8 or higher mines. You will find high level ressource tiles around the caiptol. This will ensure you can maximize your points when away for long periods of time.

Preparing for nex day: Base Expansion

  • Leave building upgrades that have finished un-wrapped
  • Save Survivor tickets
  • Keep undispatched UR trucks for the next day
  • Save construction speed ups

Day 1: Points Breakdown

radar training points